Sunday, October 6, 2013

Weekly News (Sept. 30-Oct.4)

Is it really October already?  My how time is flying by in kindergarten!  Here is what we have been up to this week.

This week in math we spent a lot of time learning about those "tricky teen" numbers from 10-19.  We practiced sequencing the teen numbers and counting out each number.  We also talked about how each teen number is "10 plus some more."  Any opportunities you have at home to reinforce the teen numbers would be helpful!

We reviewed our shapes this week as well and completed an activity with triangles.  We also introduced the concept of estimating, and we talked about how we can use information we know to make a "thoughtful guess."  We put 10 objects into one container and filled a second container with either more or less objects.  Then we estimated how many objects might be in the second container by comparing it to the container with 10.  The children did a GREAT job with this activity!

We continued number writing practice this week as we learned the strokes for the numbers 6 and 7, and our first calendar went home this week for October.  This is a great way to squeeze in some number writing practice at home.

Jolly Phonics
This week we learned the following letters and sounds in Jolly Phonics:

Gg as in "good"
Oo as in "octopus"
Uu as in "umbrella"

Although our vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) have both a long and a short sound, we are focusing on the short sound for each vowel at this point in the year--e.g.--/a/ as in apple, /e/ as in elephant, /i/ as in igloo, /o/ as in octopus, and /u/ as in umbrella.  Thanks again for your support at home with your child's Jolly Phonics notebook.  The children are hearing and recording more and more sounds each week!

We wrapped up our apple themed literacy activities this week and read Apple Pie Tree, Red are the Apples, and a book about the seasons.  The children completed a sequencing activity where they had to put the events of a short story in order.  The children also brought home a new sight word book this week and colored a book titled Apples that reviewed some of our color words.  Please add both of these books to your child's growing book bag at home and have your child read them with you. The children enjoyed their first Time for Kids magazine this week as they learned about how apples are harvested and transported to markets and grocery stores.  The children also continued to strengthen their fine motor skills this week as we learned how to write more letters.  This week we focused on how to write the letters Aa, Dd, and Gg.

The children brought home their Poetry Folders this week with our September Song inside.  We will continue to add poems to these folders throughout the school year.  Click the link below to hear the September Song.  (Sorry...the video quality isn't the greatest, but you can hear the song!)

Take a peek at our centers for the week below!

Stamping our sight words in Play-Doh

Read to Self

Piggy Bank Coin Match

Sight Word Center

Writing our sight words in sand

Listening to poems at the Listening Center
Just Jump
The children did a great job during the PTA Just Jump Challenge.  Check out our afternoon kindergarteners in action!

Hope you have a great week!
Thanks for reading!

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