Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekly News! (Sept. 23-27)

Wow, what a beautiful start to the fall season!  It has been a great week.  Here is a glimpse at what we've been up to.  Enjoy!

We continued to work in our math books this week and learned how to write the numbers 4 and 5.  We chanted the rhymes below as we learned the new strokes for each number.

Down and across and down once more,
That's the way to make a four.

Fat old five goes down and around.
Put a flag on top and see what you've found!

We reviewed our shapes this week as well as the names for the coins--penny, nickel, dime, and quarter.  We also played more counting games and completed an activity on our interactive whiteboard looking at the numbers 1-10.  Check it out below!

Interactive Whiteboard Math Lesson

Jolly Phonics
We completed Jolly Phonics Book #2 this week and learned the following sounds:
Rr as an "rabbit"
Mm as in "moon"
Dd as in "drum"

We watched a Jolly Phonics video to review all the sounds we learned in Book #2 and practiced blending some of these sounds to read words!  Please continue to review all of the sounds we have learned and keep encouraging your child to stretch out the words when they are labeling their pictures in their notebook.  This is great practice for them.  I have already seen many of the students taking more risks with their writing and getting more sounds down on paper during our Writers Workshop time.  As a reminder, the children do not have to have the words spelled correctly.  They should be doing the spelling of the words.  You can help them practice stretching out the word, but please have your child write down the sounds they hear.  Thanks so much for your support with this!  

Watching a Jolly Phonics Video

We began the week reading a book about fall, and then together as a class we completed a fall word web showing our ideas about fall activities, weather, and foods.  We continued our apple theme this week and read several apple themed books this week including: The Picnic at Apple Tree Park, Little Mouse and the Big Red Apple, Amazing Apples and A is for Autumn.  We even made our own apple themed book titled I Like Apples, Yum!  I know it will be a class favorite!  We introduced a new sight word this week (the) and sent home a new sight word book to practice reading this word.

The children are doing a nice job practicing their handwriting skills.  This week we learned how to write the letters: Vv, Ww, and Tt.  When we practice our handwriting, we focus on the following skills: using the lines as a guide for where to start and stop letters, starting letters from the top of the line, using the correct strokes to form letters, and holding the pencil with a comfortable and appropriate grip.  Handwriting is something we will continue to practice throughout the year.

This week the children completed two quick assessments in class that that looked at their phonemic awareness.  They completed a rhyming assessment and as well as an assessment that looked at their ability to identify beginning sounds in words.  We will complete two more quick literacy assessments next week, which will provide me the last bit of information I need to help me form guided read groups.  

Computer Lab
The children LOVED exploring the Starfall website this week in the computer lab.  Click on the link below to check it out at home.  

Playing Starfall in the Compter Lab

Playing Starfall in the Computer Lab

The children continue to do a great job during center time.  They are learning how to work cooperatively with their peers and taking turns when playing games.  They are also learning how to work independently, which will be important once I begin meeting with small groups for guided reading.  Here are the centers from the week.
What's for dinner?

Rhyme Time Matching Game

Roll an Apple Tree

Spin a Number

The Teeny Weeny Tadpole

Thanks for reading!

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