Sunday, October 14, 2018

Classroom News (Oct. 1-12)

I loved seeing the excitement when the students saw our new collection of featured books. Welcome October! These two short weeks have flown by. Take a peek below to see what we have been learning!

We have been learning all about the numbers 7 and 8. As we have been learning more about each number, students have practiced writing each number, counting collections of objects, and finding matches for each number. During this unit, the children have had many opportunities to point and count collections of objects, which helps students develop one-to-one correspondence. This unit also includes many matching activities where students have to find two groups that have the same number of objects. This not only helps students gain a visual understanding of numbers, it also introduces them to the concepts of more and less. Students have also been working in their math journals and are beginning to complete these pages independently. 

Jolly Phonics
This week we reviewed all of the consonant and short vowel sounds and began learning some of the double letter sounds as well. This week we learned the following two sounds:

"ai" as in wait
"oa" as in goat

As a reminder, we will introduce two new sounds at the beginning of each week, so students will only have homework in their notebooks the first two days of each week. Students should also continue to review the items in their blue book bag throughout the week. 

Reading Workshop
The children did a great job during our first reading workshop lesson of the year. During this lesson, the students were introduced to all of the mentor texts that we will be using during our Launch Unit. We practiced "turning and talking" with our partners on our rainbow rug as we explored our collection of books.

During our reading workshop time, we will use these mentor texts to introduce skills and strategies that good readers use to help us learn and enjoy books. Students will learn a new skill during a whole group lesson. Then they will practice the skill with a partner, and finally they will try out the skill on their own using the books in their individual book bins. It is always exciting to watch the children grow as readers throughout the course of the year! 

Our "Comfy Reading Spots" bulletin board is growing! You are welcome to send in a photo or email me a photo of your child enjoying their comfy reading spot at home. More information can be found in the letter that was sent home about our first reading workshop lesson.

Writing Workshop
The students are really getting into the swing of our writing workshop routines, and they are gaining more confidence in themselves as writers each week! During our first writing workshop lesson, we learned that we are all writers who have ideas to share. We also learned that authors write for many different purposes and for many different audiences. Then we looked at several real life examples of writing and learned the four steps that we will use all year long as we work to share our ideas with others.

The students have been working on a variety of centers over the last two weeks that focused on the following skills: counting, letter identification, fine motor development, teamwork, and matching. Take a peek at us in action below! 

In the LMC, the students listened to It's Picture Day by Megan McDonald, and then they used the app Chatterpix to take a selfie and share a message!

All About Me
We had a great time learning all about Nick and Patrick this week. The morning class loved learning all about Nick and his favorite things. We learned that Nick LOVES Dr. Seuss books, and he enjoys making his own books and comics too. He likes Halloween and making crafts, especially handmade signs. Nick also enjoys spending time with his family and friends!

A big thank you to Nick's mom for coming in to read one of Nick's favorites to us!

The afternoon class loved learning all about Patrick and his favorite things. We learned that Patrick is a Spiderman fan, and he also enjoys playing with his dinosaur and car collections. Patrick also enjoys writing and drawing in his special planner that was hand painted by his mom. Patrick loves his stuffed animal collection, especially his cute dog, and he enjoys spending time with his family!

The afternoon class also enjoyed a Dr. Seuss book this week.
Thank you to Patrick's dad for coming in to read!

HOORAY! Celebrations
Both classes were excited to celebrate reaching the top of our class HOORAY board for good behavior. After taking a vote, the morning class decided to celebrate with a PJ and stuffed animal day, and the afternoon class celebrated with a scavenger hunt and a dance party. Keep up the great work kinder friends!!

Looking forward to seeing all of you at conferences next week!

Thanks for reading!

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