Saturday, December 2, 2017

Weekly News (Nov. 13-Nov. 30)

I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving break! Take a peek below to see what we have been learning these last few weeks!

During our measurement unit, students engaged in many hands-on experiences to help them develop an awareness of the concepts of length, size, and weight. Students were able to see and feel these differences, which helped them compare and order objects based on these attributes. Students also had opportunities to use some of their new "math words" as they explained their thinking to the class such as: bigger, smaller, shorter, taller, longer, lighter, and heavier.

This week we began our fourth unit in math. Our lessons this week focused on decomposing numbers through 5. Through several different hands-on experiences, students learned how numbers are composed of other numbers. In the picture below, for example, the students were working together to find different ways to show 4. (i.e.-- 4+0, 3+1, 2+2, 1+3, and 0+4)

Jolly Phonics
It's amazing to see how much progress the children have made learning their Jolly Phonics sounds. They are becoming more confident with their sounds during writing workshop time. We have one more set of sounds to learn before winter break, and then we will continue to review all 42 sounds. We learned the following sounds over the last few weeks:

Vv as in "van"
oo as in "book" and "moon"
Yy as in "yarn"
Xx as in "fox"
ch as in "chick"
sh as in "shoe"
th as in "three" and "then"

Click HERE to watch the video for the Letter V.

Click HERE to watch the video for the Letter Y.

Click HERE to watch the video for the Letter X.

Reading Workshop
The children have been enjoying our fiction unit. We have been learning about the many strategies good readers use when reading stories, and we have been practicing these strategies during our independent reading time.

Identifying the problem
Using pictures to retell a story

Using the book I Broke My Trunk! by Mo Willems, the children also learned how to infer characters' feelings and traits by thinking about what's happing in the story; by studying the characters' facial expressions and body language; and listening to what the characters say and think.

Thinking about what a character says tells us about their feelings

Studying pictures closely to learn about a character's feelings
We also worked to create a story map after reading the book A Balloon for Isabel. As we listened closely to the story, we identified the characters and the setting as well as the problem the characters were trying to solve. We learned some valuable lessons from this story too as you can see from our story map below!

Writing Workshop
The students are gaining more confidence during writing workshop time as they work to match letters and sounds to communicate their ideas with others. They have been doing a great job following our workshop routines and using the steps below to help record their ideas on paper!

We had a great discussion this week as we compared our fall weather graphs. Take a peek at our data and comments below!

Social Studies
We spent some time learning about the First Thanksgiving and did some writing about some of our favorite Thanksgiving foods. We also made Thankful turkeys in the LMC.

All About Me--Morning Class
The class loved learning all about Jessica! We learned that Jessica loves Hello Kitty, and she is a big fan of the movie Frozen. She also enjoys painting and collecting Shopkins, Hatchimals, and other small toys!

What a great book! Thank you to Jessica's mom
for coming in to read to our class!

The morning class also loved learning all about Sotiri and some of his favorite things. It was easy to see that Sotiri is an avid truck collector, and he especially loves firetrucks! He also enjoys playing with Transformers, and he is a big fan of Paw Patrol!

This week the class had a great time learning about Oliver and some of his favorite things too. We learned that Oliver LOVES animals. He enjoys seeing animals at the zoo, and he has a huge stuffed animal collection at home. He also loves drawing, spending time with his family, and Disney World!

What a great way to kick off our gingerbread fiction unit!
Thank you for such a fun story!

All About Me--Afternoon Class
The afternoon class loved learning about Nadya and her favorite things before Thanksgiving break. We learned that Nadya loves cats, and she enjoys collecting stuffed animals. She likes horses and dogs too. She likes to color, and her favorite color is orange. She also enjoys playing with fidget spinners!

A big thank you to Nadya's mom and sister for coming in to read!

This week the afternoon class enjoyed learning about Chelsea and her favorite things too. We learned that Chelsea's favorite color is purple, and she enjoys playing with her dolls and stuffed animals. She also likes swimming and doing gymnastics. Chelsea enjoys spending time with her family and celebrating Christmas together.

A class favorite! Thank you to Chelsea's mom and sister for coming in to read!

Thanks for reading!
I hope everyone has a great week!

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