All About Me
This week the class loved learning all about Dhilan and some of his favorite things. We learned that Dhilan enjoys playing baseball and soccer, and he loves spending time with his family. He is also an avid reader, and he loves building with Legos. He is currently working on building a Star Wars set that has over 2,000 pieces. Wow!
A big thank you to Dhilan's mom for coming in to read The Three Little Pigs and Scaredy Squirrel at the Beach. |
This week we used our interactive white board to solve addition and subtraction number stories similar to the one below. We used the words "more" and "less" to help us understand the concepts of adding and subtracting.
Reading Workshop
During our mini lessons for our Fiction Unit, we learned several more strategies that good readers use. We learned that readers make personal connections while reading to better understand the characters' feelings and the events in the story. We also learned that making personal connections makes a story more meaningful and enjoyable to read.
We also revisited the book I Broke My Trunk by Mo Willems this week. We learned that good readers are curious, and they ask a lot of questions while reading to deepen their understanding of the story. Good readers also look for "clues" or text signals like the ones shown below to help us read with expression.
The children continue to grow as writers, and they have been doing a great job setting goals for their writing and reflecting on their own progress using our writing rubric. We have been working hard to stretch out the sounds we hear, and we are also working to:
- start each sentence with a capital.
- use spaces between words.
- use a period at the end of each sentence.
Keep up the great work kinders!!
We also learned how to write the number 5 and the letters V, W, and X, and we practiced in our Handwriting Without Tears workbooks.
Looking forward to another great week!
Have a great weekend!
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