Saturday, October 29, 2016

Weekly News (Oct. 24-28)

Is it Halloween already? Can't wait to see all the great costumes on Monday! Take a peek below to see how we have been wrapping up October.

All About Me
This week we loved learning all about Josie! We learned that Josie loves owls, and she enjoys taking dance lessons. She loves Halloween and celebrating fall with her family at Didier farms. She also enjoys reading and spending time with her family at Lake Carroll!

This week in math we played some oral counting games to help students practice counting fluently. They loved playing "Count and Sit." In this game, a target number is chosen, and then students stand in a circle and take turns counting up to the target number. The person who says the target number sits down and then a new target number is chosen and the count begins again. We played several times. They couldn't get enough of this game! We also explored patterns in our everyday lives and practiced writing the number 2.

Count and Sit

Jolly Phonics
This week we finished learning the last three sounds in Book #4:
ie  as in "pie"
ee as in "sheep"
or as in "corn"

Reading Workshop
This week during reading workshop we learned how to use connecting words such as once, next, then, after that, later, and finally to help us tell a story as we read through the books in our book bins. We were also "buzzing about books" this week as we learned how to talk about the books we love with our classmates. We used the steps below to help us retell the exciting events in our books!

Writing Workshop
This week the students finished working on their "ouch" stories. Then we worked together as a class to create a rubric to help students reflect on their own writing, targeting the skills we have been learning during the first part of the school year. We will continue to modify our rubric as we learn new skills! We also learned how to write the letter E during handwriting time. 

Please click here to see what we have been learning during our Rainbows, Colors, and Light unit!

Art Appreciation
A big thank you to Josie's mom for coming in for our first Art Awareness lesson of the year. The children learned about the paintings inside Lascaux Caves in France. They also learned about the different materials that were used long ago to make paint, and they even had a chance to go in their own caves to create their own cave drawings!

Have a great weekend!

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