Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekly News (May 16-20)

This week in math, the children learned a new partner game called "High Roller." One player rolls two dice and keeps the die with the larger number. The player rolls the second die again and then adds the two dice together to find the sum. Player 2 repeats the same process, and the player with the larger sum wins the round and earns a counter. It's a fun and easy game to play at home too! 

The children also learned how to tell time to the hour and played a game with popsicle sticks that reviewed place value. Students worked together in teams to roll a die and collect popsicle sticks. The goal was for students to collect sticks and exchange them for bundles of 10 and then 10 bundles for a bundle of 100 sticks. 

This week during reading workshop, we learned how good readers are able to identify the "big idea" in a text. After reading In a Nutshell, the students gained a better understanding of the life cycle of an oak tree and learned that even after an oak tree dies, it becomes part of the earth again and leaves behind rich soil for other plants and trees to grow. While reading In a Nutshell, we were also able to understand some of the cause and effect relationships that help an acorn grow from a seed to a tree.

Recording the "big idea."

Be sure to check out our science page to see what kind of plants we planted in our classroom greenhouse this week!

It was great to see so many families at Dryden's first STEAM Night! We had a blast making our very own banana pianos!

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