Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly News (Jan. 25-29)

Kindergarten Quote of the Week

"Mrs. Riesing, I really like this learning stuff!"

Here's what we've been up to this week.

This week we took a closer look at two-dimensional shapes as we identified some of the similarities and differences between squares, rectangles, triangles, and circles. We also introduced the terms: corner, sideand angle. Students used these terms to describe and name each shape. We even rotated some of the shapes to see if that made a difference and quickly learned that the name of the shape and features stay the same even if we rotate it in different directions. Later in the week, we used our bodies to make some of our shapes. Awesome teamwork K-2!






And even a hexagon---impressive!

We also introduced the concept of subtraction this week. Using our interactive whiteboard, we practiced subtracting or "taking away" dragonflies from our jar while playing a game called "Fly, Fly Away!" We recorded our thinking using a number sentence such as 10-7 = 3, and we even learned how to use addition to check our work!

Reading Workshop

We continued to explore nonfiction this week. We revisited the book Soccer and used two other books to help us learn even more about nonfiction---Me...Jane and I See a Kookaburra!

While revisiting Soccer, we took a closer look at one of our nonfiction text features--photographs. We learned that nonfiction authors use photographs to show us how things look in our real lives and the details in photos help us better understand the information in the text. We used the chart below to check out some of these details in our Soccer book!

We also learned about the genre of biography this week as we read Me...Jane by Patrick McDonnell. As we read McDonnell's beautifully written and illustrated book about the young life of Jane Goodall, we learned that a biography is a nonfiction book written about the life of someone else.

Biographies are nonfiction books written about people.

The class LOVED the last nonfiction book we read this week titled I See a Kookaburra: Discovering Animal Habitats Around the World by Robin Paige and Steve Jenkins. While exploring unique animals hidden among six different habitats, we practiced asking questions while reading to help us learn!

Writing Workshop
The students spent some time reflecting on their writing this week. They highlighted several aspects of their writing that they were really proud of and set one goal for next week!

Guided Reading

The students continue to do a great job during guided reading and are always eager to get a new book! The students did a great job working independently on different activities throughout the week while I met with groups. During our group time, we work on a variety of early literacy skills, which are tailored to each group's literacy needs. In addition to reading our new book, we review sight words, reinforce letter sounds and patterns, and sometimes even squeeze in a little writing! Keep up the great work K-2!

All About Me
This week we loved learning all about Bohdana and some of her favorite things. One thing that stood out was how much Bohdana LOVES animals! She has her own collection of stuffed animals, and she adores horses. Bohdana loves Rapunzel and the movie Tangled, and she also enjoys swimming. She likes to play with her sister and spend time with her family.

A big thank you to Bohdana's mom for sharing Silverlicious with us.
What a fun story! The class LOVED it!

As an extension of our nonfiction reading workshop unit, Mrs. O'Kelly prepared a fantastic lesson in the LMC this week for our kindergarteners. Using an app called Nearpod, Mrs. O'Kelly guided the students through a lesson on "author's purpose." The children learned about the different reasons authors write books such as to persuade, to inform, or to entertain. The children worked in small groups to sort a collection of books into piles of fiction and nonfiction and then identified the author's purpose for each book by voting using the iPads. The students' responses were right on target. It was great to see!

Ahhh...some fresh winter air!

Thanks for reading!

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