Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly News (Sept. 28-Oct. 2)

Wow! Is it October already? Fall has officially settled in, and so have we. Take a peek at what we have been up to this week!

This week in math we learned about measurement. The children had to find objects in the room that were both shorter and taller than a kindergartener.  Our findings are shown below! 

We also practiced counting by 1's. Our goal for the end of kindergarten is for students to be able to confidently count by 1's up to 100 with smooth transitions at the 10's. We will also practice counting by 10's. Our end of year goal is to count by 10's up to 120. Although counting by 2's and 5's is not part of the kindergarten report card, we will introduce these counting patterns as well when students are ready. 

Click here to play a measuring game.

Click here to play a number matching game.

Jolly Phonics

This week we learned the following letters and sounds:

/c/ as in "cat"

/k/ as in "kite"
/e/ as in "egg"
/h/ as in "happy"

The children continue to practice matching letters with sounds as they work on their writing during Writer's Workshop and blending sounds to read new words. I can tell many of the children have been practicing their sounds at home. Keep up the great work!


This week we read a book about John Chapman, otherwise known as Johnny Appleseed, and we watched a BrainPop Jr. video that introduced the children to the concept of a "tall tale." We even made our own Johnny Appleseed projects! 

The children also enjoyed listening to a nonfiction book about apples in the LMC.  As we read this book, we took a closer look at many of the features of nonfiction text including: the table of contents, labels, captions, photographs, and the glossary.  It was a great introduction to how we use nonfiction texts to locate and read information on a particular topic. After listening to the story, the students then worked with a partner to label the parts of an apple in the computer lab.

Reading Workshop

During reading workshop this week, students practiced "reading" punctuation marks. We learned that good readers pay attention to punctuation marks while reading to help them pause and emphasize words to help make meaning of the text. Using the following anchor chart, we identified the punctuation marks in a short piece of text and practiced reading with good expression and phrasing. 

The students also did a great job learning about the collection of books in our classroom library. We learned that books in our library fall into two categories--fiction and nonfiction. The students learned about many different features of nonfiction text during an interactive read aloud of the book Apples by Gail Gibbonsand they had opportunities to share their thinking about the book during "turn and talk" time. During another reading workshop lesson, we spent some time talking about how good readers practice their sight words so that they can read them quickly and with ease when reading a book. While listening to the book How Rocket Learned to Read, the students learned how to follow and understand a fictional story from the beginning, to the middle, and to the end. 

Writing Workshop
During writing workshop this week, the children listened to a familiar story, The Little Engine that Could, and learned how to be brave writers just like the little blue engine in the story. We talked about the "Oh no!" feeling we get during writing workshop sometimes when we find it hard to draw a picture or to write a word. Then we practiced drawing a hard picture and stretching out the sounds to write a hard word. We also reminded ourselves to keep on trying even when we think we can't do it, just like the little blue engine when she said, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!"

Trying to draw a hard picture

Trying to spell a hard word

Song and Poetry Folder

The children brought home a "Poetry and Song" folder this week. We will continue to add to this folder throughout the year. Please read and sing these poems and songs together at home. It is a great way for children to learn the cadence and rhythm of language. This week the students brought home our September Song. Take a peek to hear them singing it below!

The children did a great job during center time this week. They have been practicing how to work independently and quietly so I can soon begin working with students in small groups. Keep up the great work K-2!

Play-doh Number Practice
Letter Match

Roll-A-Sight Word

Listening Center

All About Me
The class loved learning all about Jeanie and her favorite things this week. We learned that Jeanie enjoys playing tennis and doing ballet. She loves her raccoon stuffed animal, and her favorite colors are pink and orange. Jeanie also loves Italian ice and spending time with her family, especially when they go to fun places like the pumpkin patch!

Thank you to Jeanie's mom for coming in to read Ponyella. 
We loved it!

Looking forward to another great week!

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