Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekly News (Feb. 16-20)

Well, another short week in kindergarten! Warmer days and sunnier skies have to be around the corner, right?!

The children continued to explore measurement this week and used different sized "feet" to measure objects in our classroom.  They used their own foot, a partner's foot, and a standard foot to take their measurements.  Then we compared our results.  We talked about why the number of "feet" were different each time and that using a standard measuring tool, like a ruler, helps keep our results consistent, or the same. Students recorded their measurements in their math journals and drew a picture to match. We also practiced counting by 5's this week and watched a video to help us count by 5's to a beat!

The children did a TERRIFIC job with their 100's Day projects, and they were all eager to share. What a creative collection we had!

Literacy/Social Studies
This week the students learned the sight words do and this, and they brought home a new sight word book. We practiced how to "read" the punctuation marks by making our voices go up when we see a question mark or using expression when we see an exclamation mark. We also spent some time practicing how to take care of the books in our class library and reading independently from our individual books bins during reading workshop. The students met in guided reading groups and practiced reading and writing their sight words as well.

The students have been doing a great job with their "What did you do this weekend?" writing. It's fun to hear about all of the fun things the children do each weekend, and it's amazing to see how much they are growing as writers!

Talking about our weekends before doing our "weekend" writing!

The students also enjoyed listening to a nonfiction book about George Washington in celebration of his birthday and made their own George Washington portraits.  We even learned a new song about George to the tune of When the Saints Go Marching In. We added the song to our poetry folders to enjoy at home!

This week in the LMC the students had their first experience with coding. They were able to dip their toes into the world of computer science by completing various activities on the website. Students used their own individual accounts to complete several coding tasks. Information about how to access your child's account on the website will be coming home soon!

All About Me
The class loved learning all about Julia's favorite things this week! We learned that Julia is very creative, and she loves to paint, color, and draw. She likes doing puzzles and reading. She enjoys playing with her barbies and her Lego friends. She likes to practice writing her letters, and she loves spending time with her family, especially with her twin brother David!

The class loved the story that Julia's Mom read about Grandmas and Grandpas.
Thank you so much for coming in to read!

The students also enjoyed some "free choice" centers this week!

Have a great weekend! 
Stay warm!

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