Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weekly News (May 12-23)

Where is May going? The days just seem to be flying by! I cannot believe the school year is coming to an end. I have been busy doing some year end assessing with the students, and I am blown away by how much the children have grown this year! I cannot thank you all enough for the support and encouragement you provide at home. It truly makes a difference!

In math, the children have been practicing their number writing skills. They have also been working on name collection boxes for the numbers 0-8. For the number 5, for example, the children wrote down other names for 5 such as: 3 + 2, 6 - 1, 5 + 0, 5 tallies, a nickel, etc. This is an activity that the children will become very familiar with next year in first grade. We have also been busy learning our addition math facts and reviewing how to tell time to the hour. The students have been doing a GREAT job with the math problem solving homework too. They love when we share all the different responses, and we are always amazed at how many different answers there can be!

Last week we read different versions of the familiar fairytale The Three Little Pigs and made some comparisons between the stories. In the story The Three Little Javelinas, the hairy javelinas built their homes out of tumbleweed, cactus ribs, and adobe bricks, and instead of a wolf huffing and puffing, there was a coyote knocking down their houses. The children have also been learning about different animals this week as we have been reading both fiction and nonfiction books about different kinds of animals. They also researched an animal in the computer lab using Pebble Go and recorded some of the facts they learned. The children also met in guided reading groups this week and brought home a new book. It's amazing how far they have come as readers this year! The children also enjoyed writing "stick stories" this week. Students chose several stickers and used them to make a scene in their picture box. They filled in the extra space with crayons and markers and wrote a story to match their picture. What creative stories!

Working on a sticker story!

Loving her new book!

The children have been doing a great job in centers while I have been meeting with students one-on-one to do some assessing. Take a peek at our centers below! 

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