Thursday, May 22, 2014

Weekly News (May 12-23)

Where is May going? The days just seem to be flying by! I cannot believe the school year is coming to an end. I have been busy doing some year end assessing with the students, and I am blown away by how much the children have grown this year! I cannot thank you all enough for the support and encouragement you provide at home. It truly makes a difference!

In math, the children have been practicing their number writing skills. They have also been working on name collection boxes for the numbers 0-8. For the number 5, for example, the children wrote down other names for 5 such as: 3 + 2, 6 - 1, 5 + 0, 5 tallies, a nickel, etc. This is an activity that the children will become very familiar with next year in first grade. We have also been busy learning our addition math facts and reviewing how to tell time to the hour. The students have been doing a GREAT job with the math problem solving homework too. They love when we share all the different responses, and we are always amazed at how many different answers there can be!

Last week we read different versions of the familiar fairytale The Three Little Pigs and made some comparisons between the stories. In the story The Three Little Javelinas, the hairy javelinas built their homes out of tumbleweed, cactus ribs, and adobe bricks, and instead of a wolf huffing and puffing, there was a coyote knocking down their houses. The children have also been learning about different animals this week as we have been reading both fiction and nonfiction books about different kinds of animals. They also researched an animal in the computer lab using Pebble Go and recorded some of the facts they learned. The children also met in guided reading groups this week and brought home a new book. It's amazing how far they have come as readers this year! The children also enjoyed writing "stick stories" this week. Students chose several stickers and used them to make a scene in their picture box. They filled in the extra space with crayons and markers and wrote a story to match their picture. What creative stories!

Working on a sticker story!

Loving her new book!

The children have been doing a great job in centers while I have been meeting with students one-on-one to do some assessing. Take a peek at our centers below! 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekly News (May 5-9)

All About Me
The morning class loved Nell's Me Box and learning about all of her favorite things. We learned that Nell loves Hello Kitty and My Little Pony. She is is a big fan of Despicable Me, and she enjoys swimming. She loves spending time with her family and she is very creative!

Our afternoon class welcomed a new student this week.
We are SO happy to have you in our class Paige!

This week we played a game called "Number Gymnastics" that helped the children develop their mental math skills and strengthen their number sense. For example, I would ask a series of questions such as:

What number has a 3 as the first digit and a 1 as the second digit?--31
What number do you get if you flip these two digits around?--13
What number comes after 13?--14
What number do you get if you reverse those two digits?--41

It's another great game to play at home or in the car! This  children also learned how to apply basic addition and subtraction rules this week as they learning how to use "In and Out Machines." (see sample below) This type of exercise helps children see the relationship between adding and subtraction.

This is a sample of an "In and Out Machine." Our addition problems were more simple than this, but it gives you an idea of how this function machine works. You will be seeing a lot of these in first grade and beyond!
We learned two new sight words this week--my and with--and the children also brought home a new sight word book. This week our theme of amazing creatures continued as we ventured into the land of dinosaurs. The children spent much of their week working on a special writing project for Mother's Day. I hope you enjoyed their gift--such sweet and thoughtful ideas! I also met with students in their guided reading groups this week. Next week I will begin doing some end of year assessments with the students one-on-one. It's amazing to think about how far they have come since August! I am so proud of these kiddos!

Music Program
Thank you all so much for coming out Friday to see our "Spring Sing!" The children did such a lovely job, and it was great seeing all of you. Here is a group photo from the show. What a wonderful group of children!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Weekly News (April 28-May 2)

All About Me
This week the morning class learned all about Jonas' favorite things! It was easy to see how much Jonas enjoys building with Legos! He also loves swimming and Star Wars. Jonas loves spending time with his family, especially when they go on vacation, and he did a great job sharing the photos he used to decorate his Me Box! 

The students were excited to use their ladybug clocks this week to practice telling time to the hour. Thank you SO much for your help preparing them at home! They have come in handy during our math lessons this week! Please continue to use the ladybug clocks at home for practice telling time and even keep it handy for first grade when the children learn how to tell time to 5-minute intervals. Continued practice counting by 5's will help them be ready for this skill as well as counting nickels. The children learned a new game this week called High Roller. This game can be played by 2 players or in small groups.  Players take turns.  One player rolls 2 dice.  The player keeps the die with the larger number (the High Roller) and throws the other die again.  The player then counts on from the number rolled on the first die to get the sum of the two dice. For example, the player rolls a 4 and a 6. They keep the 6 and re-roll the 4 and get a 3. The player counts on to get a total and says, "6, 7, 8, 9." The goal of this game is to encourage the children to use the "counting on" strategy for addition, which requires them to name the number of dots on the first die and then count on using the second die. The children LOVED this game, and one student in the morning class even said, "This is the best game ever!" It's a fun an easy game to play at home!  The children also brought home their May calendars this week. I love hearing about all of the ways the children are using their calendars at home! The highlight of the week in math was our Math Centers on Friday. A HUGE thank you to all of the parents who came to help with our centers. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to help the children practice their math skills!

Learning with our ladybug clocks
Math Centers

This week our read aloud stories and some of our writing focused on amazing creatures of the deep ocean. The children enjoyed listening to the stories Rainbow Fish, Big Al, and A House for Hermit Crab this week and learning about unique fish in the nonfiction book Fish Faces. The children in the morning class also enjoyed two stories read by Jonas's mom this week. Thank you! We also made mini-books about an octopus living in the ocean to add to our book bags along with a new sight word book to reinforce our new words--look and has. The children continue to add sight words to their word rings in their book bags. Please continue to practice these words at home. We want the children to recognize these words automatically when reading so they can use their energy to tackle more challenging words and to help them read more fluently. The children also worked on sorting words by word family and completed a sequencing and writing activity. A copy of our April song also came home this week. Here is the afternoon class singing it one more time!