Friday, April 19, 2013

K-2's Weekly News (Apr. 15-19)

All About Me
This week it was Sergio's turn to share his "Me Box."  He did a great job sharing some of his favorite things.  The class LOVED Sergio's photos, especially the one of his baby brother!  Sergio's toy cars and mini skateboard were a huge hit and his Scooby Doo DVD's too!  Thanks for sharing Sergio!

This week we introduced the concept of the word "half."  Students gave examples of where they have heard the word half--half of a cookie, 6 1/2 years old, half of a circle, half of an apple, 1/2 cup, halftime.  What a great list!  Then we practiced dividing groups of students into two equal groups, or two halves.  We then worked in our math journals to divide 8 circles into two equal groups.

We also reviewed counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and practiced using the calculators to skip count by 2's.  We also reviewed patterning by using our bodies to create movement patterns, and we recorded one of our favorite patterns in our math journals.  We reviewed the concept of attributes as well by playing a game called "Read My Mind."  We spread out our collection of attribute shapes sorted by color, size, and shape.  Then students had to ask yes or no questions to figure out what shape was in my mystery bag.  The class LOVED this game!!  We played again and again all week!

We finished Unit 8 in Treasures this week by taking a closer look at sunflowers.  We read a beautiful story called the Sunflower House about a boy who creates a summer playhouse by planting sunflowers in his yard in a big circle.  When the flowers grow big and tall, the boy and his friends play in the "house" all summer long.  They pretended they were knights in a castle, animals in the jungle, and they even spent the night outside in their sunflower house!  After listening to the story, the students created their own mini books showing how a flower grows.  We even made our own sunflowers!  We completed our workbooks and added a new sight word book to our collection as well.  The students worked hard during Writer's Workshop this week writing about the things they like to do in the spring and their favorite rainy day activities.

The children continue to make great strides with their reading.  I am currently reassessing the students to see how the students are progressing.  It is AMAZING to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year!

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