Sunday, April 28, 2013

K-2's Weekly News (Apr. 22-26)

Earth Day
We kicked off the week with some earth day activities.  We read a cute story called Earth Day Birthday about a monkey who shares his birthday with Earth Day.  While monkey is trying to celebrate his birthday, all of his jungle friends are finding ways to help the earth--recycling, composting, and using cloth bags at the market.  The children loved the pictures and the rhyming pattern of this book!  We talked about the different ways we can take care of our planet Earth, and then the students wrote about one way they can help.

This week in math we used paper "graham crackers" to review the concept of half.  We used the analogy of sharing a graham cracker with a friend, and we talked about dividing the cracker into two equal parts so that each friend gets the exact same size cracker.  

The students also worked to create a class book of addition and subtraction number stories.  We listened to several different number story examples, and we talked about some of the phrases we hear to help us know if we are adding our numbers together or subtracting--"How many in all?" helps us know we are adding and "How many are left?" helps us know we are "taking away" or subtracting.  The children did an outstanding job writing their stories and including a number model (3 + 2 = 5) to show their thinking.  Our number story book is a new class favorite!

The children had a GREAT time this week building both 2 and 3-dimensional shapes out of marshmallows and toothpicks.  It was a great hands-on activity to review the difference between 2-D and 3-D shapes. 

Teamwork in action!

Building a cube!

Voila!  A cube!

The children continue to do a great job with their problem solving homework each week where they have to draw a collection of animals and circle the one that doesn't belong.  We spend a few minutes talking about the different animals that the students circled, and the children are always amazed at how many different ways you can think about the same problem.  It's great critical thinking practice for them!

Literacy and Science
This week we introduced a new theme in our Treasures reading program--interesting creatures.  This week we focused on interesting insects.  We read a nonfiction book about beetles, and many of us learned that a ladybug is a type of beetle.  We also learned about the life cycle of a ladybug, and the students completed an activity to sequence the events of this cycle.  The students brought home a new sight word book this week, and we learned two new sight words-- he and she.  During our guided reading time this week, I worked with students one-on-one to reassess their individual reading growth.  It's amazing to see how much they've grown!

Thanks for reading!
Have a great week!

Friday, April 19, 2013

K-2's Weekly News (Apr. 15-19)

All About Me
This week it was Sergio's turn to share his "Me Box."  He did a great job sharing some of his favorite things.  The class LOVED Sergio's photos, especially the one of his baby brother!  Sergio's toy cars and mini skateboard were a huge hit and his Scooby Doo DVD's too!  Thanks for sharing Sergio!

This week we introduced the concept of the word "half."  Students gave examples of where they have heard the word half--half of a cookie, 6 1/2 years old, half of a circle, half of an apple, 1/2 cup, halftime.  What a great list!  Then we practiced dividing groups of students into two equal groups, or two halves.  We then worked in our math journals to divide 8 circles into two equal groups.

We also reviewed counting by 2's, 5's, and 10's and practiced using the calculators to skip count by 2's.  We also reviewed patterning by using our bodies to create movement patterns, and we recorded one of our favorite patterns in our math journals.  We reviewed the concept of attributes as well by playing a game called "Read My Mind."  We spread out our collection of attribute shapes sorted by color, size, and shape.  Then students had to ask yes or no questions to figure out what shape was in my mystery bag.  The class LOVED this game!!  We played again and again all week!

We finished Unit 8 in Treasures this week by taking a closer look at sunflowers.  We read a beautiful story called the Sunflower House about a boy who creates a summer playhouse by planting sunflowers in his yard in a big circle.  When the flowers grow big and tall, the boy and his friends play in the "house" all summer long.  They pretended they were knights in a castle, animals in the jungle, and they even spent the night outside in their sunflower house!  After listening to the story, the students created their own mini books showing how a flower grows.  We even made our own sunflowers!  We completed our workbooks and added a new sight word book to our collection as well.  The students worked hard during Writer's Workshop this week writing about the things they like to do in the spring and their favorite rainy day activities.

The children continue to make great strides with their reading.  I am currently reassessing the students to see how the students are progressing.  It is AMAZING to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

K-2's Weekly News! (Apr. 8-12)

All About Me
This week it was Anthony's turn to share his "Me Box."  We had a great time learning all about Anthony's favorite things.  It was easy to see that Anthony LOVES Legos!  He is quite the builder!   The class also loved Anthony's Beyblade, and Yoda's light saber was a HUGE hit!  Thanks for sharing Anthony!  


We took a closer look at the dime this week and practiced counting by 10's.  We also practiced making money exchanges.  For example, we practiced exchanging five pennies for one nickel, ten pennies for a dime, and two nickels for a dime.

We also completed another addition math facts "Hidden Picture" practice page.  The students are becoming more and more confident with their facts each week.  I always provide manipulatives for the students to use to help them keep track of the numbers they are adding, and each week fewer students are needing the manipulatives to help them solve the problems.  It's great to see them developing strategies for addition!

This week we also practiced comparing numbers using the terms "more than" and "less than."  We used a variety of manipulatives to compare two numbers and worked together to identify the larger number.  We also used our manipulatives to answer the question, "How much bigger?"

The students were also introduced to counting by 2's this week.  This is a skill we will continue to practice.


We continued the theme of plants in our Treasures program this week by learning more about seeds.  We read a book called Seed Secrets, which helped us learn about different types of seeds and the way they spread and grow.  On one page of the book there was a beautiful picture of a dandelion blowing its seeds in the wind, and one student commented, "Those are my favorite flowers because you can make a wish when you blow on it."  It was the perfect connection for a dandelion craft we made this week.  Using construction paper and cotton balls, the students created beautiful dandelion pictures and then recorded a wish on our computer microphone.  We created QR codes and attached them to the students' pictures.  So if you're in the building feel free to scan your child's code to listen to their wish!

The children also listened to several stories by Dan Yaccarino who was featured in one of Time for Kids magazines this week.  He is an American author, illustrator, and television producer.  He has written and illustrated dozens of books.  He is also the producer of the television series Oswald and the creator for the characters on The Backyardigans.  It was neat to learn about his life!

Willa and Oswald

The students also practiced our Bus Evacuation Drill and learned about bus safety.  The students practice this drill twice each year--once in the fall and then again in the spring.

Another busy and productive week in kindergarten!
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

K-2's Weekly News! (Apr. 2-5)

All About Me
We had a great time learning about Uzair and some of his favorite things!  Uzair loves to play games--especially cards and dominoes.  He also loves spending time outside in the sun and playing with some of his toys.  We loved his superhero mask too!

This week the students learned about several 3D shapes including: spheres, cylinders, cones, cubes, and rectangular prisms.  We played I Spy in the classroom spotting 3D shapes and completed a sorting activity as well.  We also talked about the difference between two and three-dimensional shapes--2D shapes are flat and can be drawn on paper whereas 3D shapes are solid and can be held in our hands.  

We also revisited the concept of measurement this week by taking a look at how we measure "time."  We clapped a steady beat and counted how many beats it took to walk, tiptoe, and crabwalk across the classroom.  Then we clapped again using a faster beat and counted again the number of beats it took to move across the room.  The students quickly realized that the speed of our claps changed the number of beats it took to get across the room, which led to a discussion of how clocks help us all keep track of time using the same beat!

This week the first set of addition flashcards was also sent home.  As part of the new Common Core Standards for math, the expectation for kindergarten students is to be able to fluently add numbers with sums up to 5.  Several sets of flashcards will come home over the next few weeks.  Please keep adding to your collection of flashcards with each new set that comes home.  Feel free to keep them in a plastic baggie, attach them to a ring, mount them to notecards, or even laminate them.  Whatever works for you!  We will be learning and reviewing the facts at school, but additional practice at home is extremely beneficial.  The support you provide at home is always valued and makes a big difference!

Jolly Phonics
The students continue to do a great job writing their sentences each week, and it's exciting to see how their sentence writing skills continue to grow each week!  Keep up the great work!

We began a new unit in our Treasures reading program this week which focuses on the theme of plants, and this week we took a closer look at how trees grow.  We read a nonfiction book called The Oak Tree that explained the different stages in the life cycle of an oak tree.  The students created a flip book showing the different stages, and they even wrote several sentences explaining the stages using the sentence starters--First, Then, Next, and Last.  They did an awesome job with their writing!  I was so impressed!

A new sight word book was also sent home along with flashcards for our two new sight words--little and said. 

Working on our flip books!

Working with iPads during guided reading/center time!

Thanks for reading!
Have a great week!