Saturday, March 2, 2013

K-2's Weekly News (Feb. 25-Mar. 1)

All About Me
This week it was Jack's turn to bring in his Me Box and share some of his favorite things with the class.    Everyone loved seeing Jack's pictures from Taekwondo, and we were all very impressed with the board Jack showed us that he broke during his testing for his green belt!  We also learned that Jack is a big hockey fan, and he enjoys spending time with his family.  He loved showing us a piece of a Christmas tree that he and his family cut down.  What a wonderful family tradition!

This week the children spent some more time exploring calculators.  We practiced using the +, -, and = keys and worked on adding numbers up to 10 and subtracting down to 0.  We also used paper feet to practice measuring different items around our classroom.  We recorded some of our measurements in our math journals.  

This week we also introduced counting by 5's.  The children are really getting into the rhythm of counting by 5's as we chant through the numbers.  Any practice you can do counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's at home will really pay off later when students begin to learn concepts like drawing tallies, counting coins, telling time and many other math concepts.  These counting patterns form the foundation for many future math concepts.  If your child can already count by 1's, 5's and 10's up to 100, try counting by 2's! :)

Jolly Phonics
The children continue to impress me with their sentences each week!  They are doing a nice job beginning their sentences with a capital letter, leaving spaces between words, using lowercase letters and an ending with a period.  If your child is up for the challenge, see if he or she can write more than one sentence!  A new list of words will go home on Monday!

This week the children loved listening to the rhymes in many of our favorite Dr. Seuss books.  After reading Green Eggs and Ham,  the students thought about a time when they tried a new food.  Then they did some writing about how they felt before and after they tried it!  At the end of the week after reading several Seuss stories, the children chose their favorite book, and then they wrote why it was their favorite.  We even made our own Cat in the Hats!

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!


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