Sunday, February 10, 2013

K-2's Weekly News (Feb. 4-8)

All About Me
This week Jack brought in a beautiful wooden "Me Box," and we learned about some of his favorite things.  After sharing some photos, we learned that Jack loves to go fishing and spend time at the beach with his family looking for shells!  He also likes to visit the zoo, especially around Halloween, and he even has a pet lizard of his own.  The class loved looking at the skin his lizard shed--so neat!

This week we took some time to review some of the similarities and differences between some of the shapes we have been learning.  We talked about shapes with straight sides and shapes with curves.  We compared the number of sides and corners on different shapes, and we also talked about how a triangle is still a triangle even if you turn it upside down!

We used manipulatives this week to help us solve some simple addition equations as part of a Valentine's Day heart activity, and then we colored each sum with a different color.  The students also worked on finding the missing number in a series of number patterns.  We also completed a mini-assessment that looked to see if students could identify numbers that come before or after a given number.  This is a great activity to practice at home as it helps strengthen students' number sense skills.

100's Day
On Thursday we celebrated our 100th Day of School with a morning full of 100's day themed reading and writing activities.  We began the morning with a 100's day read aloud and then did some writing about 100 things we would like to eat..yum!!  We sang a song about the 100th day of school, and we used a 100's number chart to solve a mystery message.  We even worked in partners to create a 10-by-10 array of 100 objects.  It was a great day!  Take a peek at our arrays below.  (I apologize for not getting a photo of everybody.  Not sure how I did that!!)

Jolly Phonics
We did it!  We finished learning all 42 of the Jolly Phonics sounds.  The final three sounds we learned this week were:

ue as in "barbecue"
er as in "mixer"
ar as in "park"

We will continue to use our Jolly Phonics notebooks for homework, so please keep it in your child's backpack.  Also please continue to spend some time at home practicing the sounds we have learned, especially the sounds represented by two letters.  The more automatic these sounds become, the easier it is for students to recognize these sounds when reading and to recall them when trying to write new words.

We concluded our study of Jan Brett this week.  We read Jan Brett's version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as well as Jan Brett's The Three Snow Bears.  Then we used a Venn diagram to compare the similarities and differences between these two stories.  Later in the week, we spent some time comparing the different characters and settings of each of the books we read during our study of Jan Brett.  We recorded our ideas on a class poster that we will hang in our classroom.   

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