Friday, October 12, 2012

K-2's Weekly Update (Oct. 8-12)

This week the students played a game called "Spin the Number," which helped students practice identifying the numbers 1-10 and counting spaces on a game board that matched the number on the spinner.  They LOVED this game so much that we used it as one of our math centers so they could play it again!  We continue to review the following shapes in the classroom: triangle, rectangle, square, circle, oval, and diamond.  I hope you had fun playing the "I Spy Shapes" game at home!  This is a great game to continue to play at home, in the car, at the park, or wherever you can squeeze in a few minutes of review!

Jolly Phonics
The students are becoming more confident and fluent with the sounds we have already introduced, which has really been helpful during our Writer's Workshop time.  These are the sounds introduced this week:

Uu as in "umbrella"
Ll as in "lollipop"

This week the theme for our Treasures reading program was friendship.  The students listened to stories about what friends like to do together, and they talked about the things they like to do with their own friends.  We introduced a new sight word this week---like, which we used during Writer's Workshop to complete the sentence starter, "We like to_____."  The students drew a picture, made labels, and wrote about something they like to do with their friends.  

I continued to meet with students during guided reading this week as well. All students have a new book in their Ziploc bags, so please take some time to have your child read their new book to you and anyone else who will listen! :)  I collected the students' old books from their bags, but there were a few missing.  If you still have a book from last week, please send it back to school next week.  I thank you all so much for the support you are providing your child at home.  Your time and energy is tremendously appreciated and valued!!!

All About Me
This week we were excited to learn all about Olivia W.  We learned that one of her favorite holidays is Halloween, she loves the movie Rio, and she likes cats.  Thanks so much for sharing Olivia!

Computer Lab
This week in the computer lab, the students used an online researching program called Pebble Go, to listen to two informational texts about apples and pumpkins.  Then working together as a class, the students used the information they learned to complete a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting apples and pumpkins.  As you can see below, they did an AWESOME job!

Have a great weekend!

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