It's official! We finished our first unit in math which focused on an in-depth understanding of the numbers 1-5 as well as the concepts of same and different. Our kindergarten mathematicians not only learned how to read and write the numbers 1-5, they also practiced counting different collections of objects while using their math words to explain their thinking. In one activity, students used cubes to show the numbers 1-4. It was great for us to see that there is more than one way to solve a problem!
In this math activity, students worked to create a set of "Spot the Difference" pictures. Students colored 5 small differences between the two pictures and partners had to find and explain them!
In this activity, we focused on the numbers 1-5 to create pretend animals. From a 5-eyed zebra to a dog with 3 arms, our kinder friends were very creative!
Jolly Phonics
The students continue to do a great job learning their Jolly Phonics sounds, and they are gaining more and more confidence labeling their pictures. I am encouraging them to "give it a go" when they work to label their pictures as they listen for the sounds and match the letters. They are definitely rising to the challenge! Thank you again for your support at home helping your child add one more example to their notebooks each night.
Blue Book Bags
This week the students added one more item to their blue book bags---a ring of Jolly Phonics sounds. They have also been adding to their growing collection of sight words and sight word books. It was fun to see so much excitement as the children added their new sight word to their baggie. Please continue to practice reading the sight words and sight word books with your child and reviewing our Jolly Phonics sounds. The extra practice at home helps students build confidence as they work to apply and use these skills in the classroom. Thanks so much for your support!
Zones of Regulation
The children were introduced to the Zones of Regulation this week. We learned that we all have many different feelings and emotions and that these emotions can fall into four zones. These zones can be compared to traffic signs like the ones below. We talked about how it's okay to have many different feelings, but our goal at school is to be in the "green zone," which is when we're feeling happy and we're ready to learn! We read the book The Way I Feel and then sorted different emotions into the four zones. We'll continue to practice identifying our emotions, and we'll also learn strategies to help us get back to the green zone when we feel ourselves moving away from green.
The students loved working in centers over the last two weeks. For our latest round of centers we focused on learning the names of our classmates while practicing our alphabet skills at the same time. The play-doh center was definitely a class favorite! Check us out in action below!
The students were eager to use computers to do some research on Pebble Go. Not only did students learn about the season of fall, they also learned how to open up a web browser, navigate to our LMC homepage, and use the audio feature in Pebble Go.
All About Me
We kicked of our kindergarten version of show-and-tell this week with our first round of "Me Bag" presentations. In the morning class, we were excited to learn all about Joseph and his favorite things. We learned that Joseph enjoys playing soccer and building with Legos. He is a big fan of cars, and he also loves animals and visiting the zoo. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends and cuddling with his favorite stuffy!
The afternoon class loved learning all about Dominik and his favorite things too. We learned that Dominik is an avid car collector and a Star Wars fan. He also enjoys collecting fidget spinners and using binoculars to go bird watching.
Cultural Literacy
The students were eager to use computers to do some research on Pebble Go. Not only did students learn about the season of fall, they also learned how to open up a web browser, navigate to our LMC homepage, and use the audio feature in Pebble Go.
We kicked of our kindergarten version of show-and-tell this week with our first round of "Me Bag" presentations. In the morning class, we were excited to learn all about Joseph and his favorite things. We learned that Joseph enjoys playing soccer and building with Legos. He is a big fan of cars, and he also loves animals and visiting the zoo. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends and cuddling with his favorite stuffy!
The class was in stitches while Josephs' mom read The Book with No Pictures. Always a class favorite! Thanks so much for coming in to read! |
A big thank you to Dominik's mom for coming in to read Duck for President by Doreen Cronin. One of our favorite authors in kindergarten! |
We had another special guest reader this week--my mom! Many of the students were surprised that I had a mom too!
Thanks Mom for coming in to read Suzy Squirrel. Such a cute story. Loved your costume too! |
Our afternoon friends were so happy to have Khalil and his mom help us learn more about the holiday of Eid with an interactive read aloud of the book Nabeel's New Pants. We even learned some words in Urdu. What a GREAT lesson! Thank you!
Hope everyone is having a great week!
Thanks for reading!