Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Weekly News (June 6-7)

It's hard to believe this is the last post of the school year. What an amazing year it is has been! Thank you all for sharing your children with me each day. I am truly going to miss seeing them each day. I hope you all have a WONDERFUL summer vacation, and perhaps I'll see you around town! I actually already ran into one of our kindergarten friends while I was out running errands today! Hope you enjoy the last set of pics!

Visiting 1st Grade from Kathy Riesing on Vimeo.

Thanks for a GREAT year!

--Mrs. Riesing :)

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Weekly News (May 31-June 3)

What a great week! The kids had a blast at Field Day. I bet they all slept well! A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents who helped out. Check out the field day slideshow below!

This week in math we made name collection boxes for several different numbers and reviewed "In-and-Out" machines. We practiced applying an addition or subtraction rule to a given number, and we also figured out the rule given the "in" and the "out" numbers. We also reviewed telling time to the hour and introduced the minute hand. We talked about the difference between analog and digital clocks as well and played a matching game.

During reading workshop this week, we revisited the book Molly's Organic Farm and practiced using all of our senses to help us better understand the story. We also practiced using the different reading strategies we have learned this year to help us figure out the meaning of new or unfamiliar words. Using the books Flowers and Stems, we used several strategies to help us figure out several new vocabulary words such as using the pictures, thinking about the other words on the page, and trying out a similar word to help us understand. 

Students also completed their final entry in their writing journals for the month of May. It has been amazing to watch the children grow and develop as writers this year!

Check out our Plants and Animals link to see what we learned this week!

Free Choice Time

It's hard to believe we only have two days left!
I sure am going to miss seeing 
these kiddos each day!