Friday, March 11, 2016

Weekly News (Mar. 7-11)

We really got a taste of spring this week! You should have heard the children cheering when we were able to color a "yellow" day on our calendar. They were so excited! Hopefully some more yellow days are in our future!

Our Class Thermometer
We continued to explore the concept of measurement this week. We used a standard measuring tool (a ruler) as well as a nonstandard measuring tool (our feet) to make some comparisons and learned that we need standard measuring tools to keep our measurements the same no matter who is doing the measuring. 

We also made a class graph of our favorite green foods. What healthy eaters we have in K-2! We organized our information in a bar graph and reviewed how to record our results using tally marks. We used the information in our graph to answer questions like:

Which green food had the most votes?
Which green food had the least votes?
Which foods had the same number of votes?
Which food had one less vote than pears?
How many total votes were there in all?

We also got some exercise and practiced counting by 5's!

Reading Workshop
We continued to explore the exciting world of poetry this week and learned how imaginative and creative poets can be. We practiced getting ready to read poetry by looking at and reading the title of the book and the poem; looking closely at the illustrations; making predictions; making connections to our own lives; and thinking about how the poem makes us feel. We also learned about the different ways poetry can look and how poets use different features to help us know how it should sound as we read it. We made a chart to help us keep track of our thinking.

Writing Workshop
The students did an amazing job during writing workshop this week. They wrote about their weekend adventures, and they also wrote about their favorite seasons. Before working on their season writing, the students and I worked together to create our own writing rubric. The children have really grown as writers this year, and it was amazing to listen to their ideas and examples of what good writers do. We used our rubric as a guide as we worked on our favorite season writing. You'll have to check out their work during parent-teacher conferences. Next week, we'll work on a rubric for our pictures!

I also worked with students one-on-one this week to reassess their guided reading levels. I can't wait to begin meeting with students again in small groups next week!

All About Me
The class loved learning all about Annabell this week. Her Shopkins collection was a big hit! We also learned that Annabell loves playing with her My Little Ponies and her Monster High dolls. She also collects Beanie Boos. Annabell enjoys swimming and spending time with her family, especially her sister Alexandra!

A big thank you to Annabell's Mom and Dad for coming in
 to read Happy Birthday to You! We always love a good Dr. Seuss book!

During LMC this week, the students enjoyed listening to poems written by Shel Silverstein. Mrs. Kenny showed them where to find poetry books in the library, and then they explored Shel Silverstein's website and watched animated versions of some of his favorite poems.

Art Appreciation
A huge thank you to Mrs. Barbieri who came in to teach students about the French painter, Georges Rouault. The students learned about his use of color, especially his dark outlines, and then worked to create their own picture. What a great lesson! Thank you!

The students had a great time sharing their show-and-tell items. Students who didn't bring their item in today can bring an item on Monday!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thanks for reading!

Friday, March 4, 2016

Weekly News (Feb. 29-March 4)

This week in math we revisited the concept of measurement and learned about using a ruler, or a foot, as a standard unit of measure. We listened to the story How Big is a Foot?, which is a book about a King who wants to make a bed for his Queen for her birthday. When the King tells the carpenter to make the bed 3 feet by 6 feet, the carpenter uses his own feet to make the measurements and the bed is too small. This story was a great way for students to understand why a standard foot (12 inches) is useful when taking accurate measurements.

We also practiced counting by 5's and learned how to make tally marks as a way to record and count groups of 5. We learned a new chant to help us remember how to record tallies and practiced writing and counting a given set of tallies.

Click on the picture below to play a game with tallies.

Click on the link below to practice counting by 5's.

Reading Workshop
We wrapped up our Nonfiction Unit and learned that nonfiction books often have fun facts that not only entertain us, but also help us stop, think and ask questions.

Did you know a giraffe's eyeball is as big as a doorknob? WOW!

We also learned that not all nonfiction books have a table of contents, an index, or photographs. Some nonfiction books are written like a story with illustrations yet teach us important information on a topic just like the Me...Jane book we read about the life of Jane Goodall. These types of nonfiction books are called literary nonfiction. We looked at the differences between Me...Jane and the book Soccer, and  we also practiced sharing our learning using a short literary nonfiction text called Kari's First Day.

Writing Workshop
The students did their February writing piece in their writing journals this week. We also spent some time honoring Dr. Seuss and celebrating his birthday by reading several of his books. After reading Green Eggs and Ham, the students wrote about a food they thought they didn't like until they tried it just like Sam's friend in the story. We read several Dr. Seuss books and talked more about rhyming words. We checked out the following two Dr. Seuss websites too!

All About Me
This week we loved learning all about Halil. We learned that Halil is a big sports fan, and he enjoys playing basketball and football. He also enjoys school and spending time with his family and friends!

A big thank you to Halil's sister for coming in to read!

So happy Eva's mom was able to come in
and read a story this week too. Thank you!
It was great to get outside this week. The kids enjoyed the snow and sunshine!

Thanks for reading!
Have a great weekend!