This week in math we completed our teen number books. The children have been doing a great job understanding the concept of the teens as "ten plus some more." The final number in our counting book was 20, which led us into a great discussion of counting by 10's. Our goal for the end of the year will be to count by 10's up to 120. Based on some of the activities and games we played this week to practice counting by 10's, I can see the children are well on their way to accomplishing this goal! The children also made turkey books this week titled "Five Little Turkeys" that helped them practice both their reading and counting backward skills. They LOVED making these books!
Jolly Phonics
We spent some time reviewing all of the Jolly Phonics sounds that we have learned thus far. We will begin learning the sounds from Book #6 when the students return from Thanksgiving break. The students also enjoyed a Jolly Phonics video that helped the children learn about word families and rhyming words such as: hop, top, and pop.
This week the children brought home a new sight word book to add to their plastic baggies. We highlighted our newest sight word, go, and practiced reading with good expression while looking at the punctuation marks. We also practiced our handwriting while we learned how to write the letters Xx and Qq. The students also wrote acrostic name poems this week like the one below. They did an unbelievable job stretching out the words for their poems and drawing portraits of themselves to go with their poems. They are on display in the hallway outside our classroom.
The children also brought home their November Song sheets to add to their "Poetry and Song" folders. Click here to listen to the afternoon class singing it one last time!
Close Reading Lesson
With the moon at its fullest last weekend, it provided us with a great opportunity to read Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes. We talked about Kevin Henkes and how he writes and illustrates his stories, which led us into a great discussion about how the words and pictures in a book work together to tell the story. The children did an amazing job talking about Kitten and discussing with a partner some of the events that happened. We also had a great conversation about how sometimes a character in a story does something, which causes something else to happen---a beginning introduction to the concept of "cause and effect." I was amazed at the level of the students' engagement with the text and their ideas and responses as we discussed the story. It was great to see!
Gobble! Gobble!
Happy Thanksgiving to All
from the Students in K-2 and K-4